Friday, August 9, 2019

Deep Bench

Image Description: A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair stands on one side of a volleyball net. She is wearing a black bikini and holding a volleyball, and she has a satisfied expression on her face. Behind her and to her left are three dark-haired women standing casually.

Caption: “Well, you boys sure are quiet. Starting to rethink your comments about girls’ volleyball
skills? Because by my count, you’re 0 for 3, and I’ve got three new recruits for the girls’
team. They’re not exactly starters, but it’s nice to have a deep bench. So, who’s next?”

Commentary: I always love captions about sports and magical wagers like this.


  1. I'm terrible at volleyball so I'm probably not going to compete with you for the starting job, can I at least give you some competition in the looks department?

  2. Absolutely! The more the merrier!

    1. That's generous of you. Maybe we can go shopping sometime I'm going to have to replace my entire wardrobe and am going to need some advice and pointers? Might as well start with with some bikinis to wear to volleyball practice.
